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What can we do to
support the teachers
that are trying to do
innovative things in their classrooms?
I wonder if
anybody has created digital
content that helps differentiate
instruction and empowers me to
better personalize learning
for my students?
I need high quality, rigorous digital content if I am going to be able to do this Blended Learning...
Yes!...and it has to be flexible enough to allow me to manage my classroom the way that works for me.
We need to find curriculum
and tools that will empower the teachers to make the best use of the district's technology investment.
The people in this section are best served by ORB our Online Learning Bundles.
- They provide a teacher with all of the digital resources from our
WebCourses but treats every item as a separate resources so
teachers can distribute the items to groups or individual students on
a personalized level.
- Mapped to standards and eligible content to help teachers find
content quickly.
- Near real time data allows teachers to make formative decisions to
best drive each student's personal path to success.
The people in this section are best served by the WebCourse version of ORB.
- This version of Orb provides a teacher/parent with the most
structured learning experience for their student(s).
- This version introduces a consistent course, unit and assessment
structure to Orb, which ensures a predictable pace and student
experience to allow for stress-free planning.
- Scaffolded instruction within each unit and lesson strategically builds
and assesses each students level of learning.
The people in this section are best served by our S.P.I.D.E.R.S. curriculum.
- Child well being and safety curriculum for Grades k-12.
- A proven curriculum to help teachers approach sensitive topics.
- Empower your students to identify, react and seek help appropriately
if they are ever placed in an awkward situation.