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Curriculum Differentiators​​
Differentiators Web Image

Continuous Curriculum Improvement Cycle 



Classroom Command Center



Interactive Instructional Media



Research Driven 




Student Agency



Technology Enhanced Questions







Research Driven Design

Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction


Metacognitive Theory


Bloom's Taxonomy


Webb's Depth of Knowledge


Cognitive Theory


Impact of Technology Enhanced Items


Chunked Instruction with Guided Practice


Continuous Curriculum Improvement Cycle

Educators are constantly reviewing, evaluating, and modifying their instruction to best meet the needs of their students.  


Spider Learning, Inc. follows that same philosophy as we develop, review, and revise our content.  


Data is collected before, during, and after each student engages with the instructional content, so that the effectiveness of the individual components can be evaluated and adjusted as necessary.

Simulated Guided Practice

Traditional static examples have been replaced by Lesson Activities developed to progress through Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels 1-3 by utilizing embedded Technology Enhanced Items (TEI).  


The use of the TEIs ensure continuous student engagement, by supplementing this experience with strategic hints and feedback based off student responses and distractor rationale where appropriate simulates guided practice unlike any other online curriculum.

Student Agency

Our online content empowers students to have an influence on their path to mastery both, by providing a varied array of instructional resources and by ensuring that students are aware of their own learning processes. 


Metacognitive prompts nested within each lesson ensure students are aware of their own individual learning styles, planning their learning approach, and taking ownership of how they will master the lesson content.




Skill-based supplemental resource bundles tied to each objective serve to enrich or support the lesson content for teachers and students. 


Open Educational Resources (OER) are included to provide ample opportunities for personalizing and differentiating instruction. 

Interactive Media

The design of our interactive instructional media encourages educational segmenting, or the sectioning of information

into smaller parts.  


This allows users to control the flow of information, and ensures that they have enough time to process each concept before moving on to the next section of the lesson.

Classroom Command Center Screenshot
Classroom Command Center Screenshot
Curriculum Flow Overview

Assessment, Data & the 

©Classroom Command Center

Data driven decision making has never been this easy. As students work through  every lesson in our coursework, we collect a minimum of 13 performance based data points...and this doesn't include end of lesson assessments.


We designed these data collection points to fit naturally into the flow of completing one of our lessons. We do this with the strategic use of Technology Enhanced Assessment Items (TEI) which not only encourage thoughtful responses but eliminate the false positives that can result from guessing.


Why collect so much data?  Because we can!...and because we analyze it real time to provide teachers with "on the fly" formative data through our Classroom Command Center.


Personalizing learning has never been this accessible! With immediate access to student and class formative data and the ease and flexibility of assigning personalize digital content to individuals or activities to groups of students with our Classroom Command Center, all of your classrooms can better meet the needs of all of your students today.



Spider Learning, Inc.

PO Box 435
Morgan, PA 15064 


T: 412-444-8347

F: 412-774-0688 

© 2020 by

Spider Learning, Inc.

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